Orange Management Solutions sites have used full electronic medical records for over fifteen years.In accordance with our mission to utilize the latest technologies to update our clients' systems, our patient medical record system is not only HIPAA compliant, but also facilitates entry of data required by HCFA for coding and billing.

   The decision to adopt an electronic medical record (EMR) puts you and your practice in a class by itself. Fewer than 5% of physicians use an electronic medical record. Adopting and then efficiently utilizing an EMR requires a change in the way that you practice medicine. It is only the dedicated, forward thinking physician and practice that will spend the necessary time and effort to change the very way they practice.

  • Staff Efficiency
    The electronic medical records available in our practice management software are critical to the future of health care delivery. A properly utilized EMR can greatly improve the way we care for patients. In fact, it is the only way we can make a quantum jump in better care. Ironically, one of the main external forces pushing physicians to the EMR is the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). Compliance issues have become a time consuming and very costly addition to already busy practices. The writing and rewriting of data simply for compliance and payment purposes decreases staff efficiency without adding a significant benefit to the individual patient. With the EMR, the reproduction of key data elements is accomplished with a few keystrokes. Copying errors are eliminated.


  • Data Control
    Our patient medical record system helps you to facilitate the data entry mandated in the current HCFA requirements for patient charts. Online medical information management software stores this data on disk, rather than in cumbersome paper charts. Staff efficiency and staff productivity increase greatly as the amount of paperwork (entry, retrieval, and storage) is diminished. Electronic medical records are immediately available to the physician for review --- either at the office, at home on a PC, or even on your laptop when you are away. The practice management software we offer increases your convenience and efficiency, while decreasing the need for chart storage space.

   Data entry is a major issue to address with the EMR. Some systems utilize voice input, dictation with delayed entry, copy of paper notes to computer, etc. We suggest contemporaneous data entry at the time of the patient visit. If all tasks are completed by the time the patient leaves the office including (billing, next appointment, lab tests ordered, etc.), it is a simple matter to fax a copy along with a letter to the referring entity and follow-up at a later date with a hard copy if indicated.


  • Patient Satisfaction
    Would you like to reduce the time the patient spends in your office by 25-40%? Your patients would like that. The electronic medical record (EMR) properly utilized, will provide you with those tools.

   Patients, especially those with chronic conditions must become directly involved in their disease management. With the EMR, you have the option of providing all data to your patient (when indicated) in addition to appropriate references and practice designed information packets. If you think this is too far-fetched, consider that THE LARGEST USAGE OF THE INTERNET IS FOR MEDICAL INFORMATION. Patients are hungry for accurate, up to date medical information. Even patients who are down on the medical institution as a whole, do trust their individual doctors. Why not be the one who keeps them up to date regarding their patient care. If you don't, someone else will.


  • Successful Practice
    Our electronic medical records is totally integrated with the other sections of our automated office system.

   We internally track and time the entire patient office experience, as follows, so that a patient's location or status can easily be viewed.

    • Make the appointment
    • Demographic information collection
    • Check in
    • Technician's history
    • Doctor's findings, remarks, orders
    • Exam room diagnosis, service, fee, and next visit information
    • Front-desk billing, payment collection
    • Make appointment and/or Recall
    • Insurance ready receipt

   This is a great aid in a practice that appreciates the patient, and their time in the office.

   Consider the benefits of the EMR; staff efficiency, data control and compliance with HCFA, patient satisfaction, and the ability to continue to run your medical practice the best way available.

Phone: (315) 422-2020

Orange Management Solutions
612 University Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210

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